from heapq import heappop, heappush
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import cv2
import time
#This maze solver algorithm works for mazes which have a border all around
#itself. When there's an opening in the border, it won't work.
#Path to maze
mazeImage = "Maze.png"
#Turning an image into a binary maze
start_time = time.time()
im =
width, height = im.size
maze = list(im.getdata())
for n, i in enumerate(maze):
if i == (0, 0, 0) or i == (0, 0, 0, 255):
maze[n] = 1
maze[n] = 0
maze = [maze[i * width:(i + 1) * width] for i in range(height)]
def maze2graph(maze):
#Converts the maze into a 2D array and then into a graph
#For each node, it will look in which direction it is possible to go
height = len(maze)
width = len(maze[0]) if height else 0
graph = {(i, j): [] for j in range(width) for i in range(height) if not maze[i][j]}
for row, col in graph.keys():
if row < height - 1 and not maze[row + 1][col]:
graph[(row, col)].append(("S", (row + 1, col)))
graph[(row + 1, col)].append(("N", (row, col)))
if col < width - 1 and not maze[row][col + 1]:
graph[(row, col)].append(("E", (row, col + 1)))
graph[(row, col + 1)].append(("W", (row, col)))
return graph
def heuristic(cell, goal):
#Manhattan distance heuristic
return abs(cell[0] - goal[0]) + abs(cell[1] - goal[1])
def astar(maze):
img = cv2.imread(mazeImage, 1)
#img = cv2.resize(img, (0,0), fx=3, fy=3)
cv2.imshow(mazeImage, img)
#Start coordinates
start = (1, 1)
#Goal coordinates
goal = (len(maze) - 2, len(maze[0]) - 2)
pr_queue = []
heappush(pr_queue, (0 + heuristic(start, goal), 0, "", start))
visited = set()
graph = maze2graph(maze)
while pr_queue:
_, cost, path, current = heappop(pr_queue)
if current == goal:
return path
if current in visited:
for direction, neighbour in graph[current]:
heappush(pr_queue, (cost + heuristic(neighbour, goal), cost + 1,
path + direction, neighbour))
return "There's no option to get to the end"
def visualize_solution(maze):
#Takes the solution and draws the path on the maze in a new png file
img =
solution = astar(maze)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
start = (1, 1)
cell = start
line_color = (255,0,0)
for i in range (len(solution)):
if solution[i] == "S":
cell = tuple(map(sum,zip(start,(0,1))))
draw.line([start, cell], fill=line_color, width=1)
start = cell
if solution[i] == "E":
cell = tuple(map(sum,zip(start,(1,0))))
draw.line([start, cell], fill=line_color, width=1)
start = cell
if solution[i] == "N":
cell = tuple(map(sum,zip(start,(0,-1))))
draw.line([start, cell], fill=line_color, width=1)
start = cell
if solution[i] == "W":
cell = tuple(map(sum,zip(start,(-1,0))))
draw.line([start, cell], fill=line_color, width=1)
start = cell"KenTummers_Solved_Maze.png")
imgsol = cv2.imread("KenTummers_Solved_Maze.png", 1)
#imgsol = cv2.resize(imgsol, (0,0), fx=3, fy=3)
cv2.imshow("KenTummers_Solved_Maze.png", imgsol)
print("Directions per node:", maze2graph(maze))
print("Maze:", maze)
print("Path (N = North, E = East, S = South, W = West):",astar(maze))
print("Total steps:", len(astar(maze)))
end_time = time.time()
print("Time:", end_time - start_time)